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The Top 4 Electronic Soldering Fluxes

The Top 4 Electronic Soldering Fluxes

If you are looking for a new flux for your electronic assembly, there can be so many to choose from.  

Well, not to worry.  We did the work for you to make your choices easier.

Below are our top 4 Electronic Soldering Fluxes for your assembly (in no particular order):

The Top No-Clean Flux for Tinning Components, Dip Soldering in Pots or Manual (Hand) Soldering :

Alpha EF-6100 No-Clean Soldering Flux  

Alpha Metals' EF-6100 Flux is a high-reliability alcohol-based wave soldering flux for both tin/lead and Lead-Free assemblies. EF-6100 is an excellent no-clean flux for hand soldering, lead-tinning and also well-suited for Selective Soldering operations with longer dwell times. EF-6100 is designed to be applied by spray or dip methods. IPC J-STD-004 Class ORL0. EF-6100 has a solids content of 3.8% with an Acid Number of 24.0 and contains a small amount of resin leaving only a low level of non-tacky residue after soldering. This item is a 1 gallon pail.  Alpha item #148691-0001.

  • Low bridging solder performance on bottom side QFPs and connectors
  • Contact Time in the Solder = 1.5 - 3 seconds
  • Tack-free residue yields good joint cosmetics and is pin testable
  • IPC J-STD-004A rated OR-L0, Halide-Free
  • Solids Content = 3.8%, Acid Number = 24.0 +\-1.2
  • Apply by Spray or dip
  • Recommended Thinner = Alpha NC-T or 425 
  • 1 Gallon Pail size

For more information, click here  

The Top No-Clean Flux for Conveyorized Wave or Selective Machine Soldering :  

Alpha EF-6103 No-Clean Wave Solder Flux 


Alpha EF-6103 is an alcohol-based no-clean flux designed for soldering high-density PCBs in both lead-free and and Sn/Pb processes.  This flux can be applied by spray or foam methods. Suitable for use in Wave or Selective Solder machines.

  • Low bridging solder performance on bottom side QFPs and connectors
  • Contact Time in the Solder (chip wave) = 2 - 7 seconds
  • Tack-free residue yields good joint cosmetics and is pin testable
  • IPC J-STD-004A rated OR-L0, Halide-Free
  • Solids Content = 3.6%, Acid Number = 22.4 +\-1.3
  • Apply by Spray or Foam
  • Recommended Thinner = Alpha NC-T or 425 
  • 5 Gallon Pail size

For more information, click here

 The Top Water-Soluble Flux for Touch-Up Hand Soldering :

Alpha 870-25 Water-Soluble Touch-Up Soldering Flux 

Alpha 870-25 Touch-up Flux is the companion flux to PureCore water-soluble wire solder. It features an organic activator held in a water-soluble resin carrier. Cleaning can be delayed up to 2 days without affecting cosmetics! This flux is recommended for hand-soldering applications where parts are batched for cleaning. Flux residues clean in hot water or solvents. This item is a 1 gallon pail. Alpha item #116125-0001.

For more information, click here:  

The Top Water-Soluble Flux for Wave or Selective Machine Soldering:  

Alpha 857 Water-Soluble Organic Acid Soldering Flux 

Alpha 857 Flux is a water-soluble organic acid flux with maximum activity for defect-free soldering of difficult assemblies. 857 Flux is suitable for wave and dip soldering of circuit boards, armatures, copper & tin surfaces. 857 works well with leaded or lead-free solders. Apply by foam, dip or spray. 18% solids in a solvent base; residues easily removed in hot water. Meets J-STD-004 Class OR-H1. This water-soluble organic acid flux comes in a 5 gallon pail.  Alpha item #116113-0005.

For more information, click here

We offer many other flux types and varieties for your assembly or any other application, but these are our top four.

If you have any questions about which flux is best for your electronic assembly, please contact our customer service team and they will be happy to help you.


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