SuperStar Services

How it works:

Leaders in the electronics manufacturing, PCB assembly, and other industries trust us to give our members SuperStar Services. Stellar works with you to go above and beyond the quality past wonders!

Unlock unparalleled values and interstellar experiences: we offer more than just products or services – we provide a gateway to a world of possibilities. You're not just purchasing items; you're investing in quality, reliability, and innovation. Our SuperStar Services commitment translates every penny into elated satisfaction, seamless integration, and lasting impact. From personalized solutions to dedicated support, we prioritize your needs, ensuring each interaction surpasses expectations. Elevate your journey with us, and experience the Stellar difference.


Blue Supergiant White Giant Yellow Dwarf (our sun) Red Protostar Welcome to the Nebula!
Priority customer & technical support
Further discounts on SSOMS *
Dross Recycling Program
Flexible Net Terms
Stellar Managed Inventory
Guaranteed shelf life ** ***
Complementary Elemental Analysis ****


 *SuperStar Order Management Services: more ways to be inventory efficient and business cost-saving!

**Pastes only; even if you are not in this membership tier, you will still get our freshest stock.

***Further discounts may be given with soon-to-be and expired pastes.

****Lead & Lead-Free Alloys Elemental Analysis

Speak to your Customer Account Specialist today about how you can shoot for the stars!

Better Pricing Starts with a Conversation.

This is Alex. He’s stellar—not just in general, but in the way he helps you get exactly what you need, with kindness, technical wisdom, and urgency. When you call us, Alex (or another stellar human) will pick up, treat you like the superstar you are, and make sure you get the best options—including better pricing when you order through our team, Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm PST. Or email us anytime for a response the next business day.
